"Take a deep breath, let your mind free of everything, whenever you feel bad, Don't let a temporary emotion ruin yourself :)"

Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

 OBRIGADO, Obrigado offered you some of delicious pancake and italian cuisine, with bilyard facility and cozy avenue. affordable prices. It such as awesome place. Located at Jalan Raya Puputan, Renon, Denpasar, Bali.

choco crazy pancake, yummy

Rabu, 27 April 2011

I can see you if you're not with me
I can say to my self if you're okay
I can feel you if you're not with me
I can reach you my self, you show me the way
life was never be so easy as it seems
'till you come and bring your love inside
no matter space and distance make it look so far
still I know you're still here by my side
you've made me so alive ,you give the best for and fantasy
and i never feel so lonely, cause you're always here with me.
(Bondan Prakoso-Not with me)

On the day you left me, about the distance and time
Trust me that those feelings won't change by the distance
Believe me that those soul always been here by the time

Forever, You and Me.

Minggu, 24 April 2011

Everything changes with the time, getting older, being insane, a piece of hubbub, furious and whatever.
Life is simple, but it isnt easy.
When the time gone, and everything turned around, I just want to be stay, or could move.
Behind all changes or departure later. hopefully I can stay, or go even better, All I know, GOD with me. and we should know this best of all.
EVERY saint has a Past, and every Sinner has a Future.

Rabu, 20 April 2011

LOOK of APRIL 2011 by me
Wr. Mina's Restaurant. Everybody, long time no see!!!
with some of the suckies activity. I willing to share information about good places to eat on the Antasura Street, Bali. Here's Wr. Mina. We could find them in Renon St also. This restaurant has a romantic environment with some gazebo. Some of my favorite menu are chicken grill and strawberry juice.

Sabtu, 09 April 2011

Lets create your own Blackberry Themes! Blackberry adalah device yang sama dengan handphone lain, bisa menjalankan fungsi dasar untuk telepon dan sms, yang membedakannya hanyalah Operating System pada handphone blackberry merupakan Operating System (OS) berbasis Java buatan RIM (vendor Blackberry).Untuk tema BB dengan Handphone lain, tema BB agak sedikit ribet. Biasanya untuk mengganti tema/tampilan pada blackberry, orang-orang menggunakan Blackberry App world yg sudah ada di BB kamu, lalu tinggal memilih untuk mendownload tema BB yang free atau yg dikenain charge. Naaah.. Kalo untuk ngedownload tema yang bagus,rata-rata free themes yg disediakan di app world tidak sesuai dengan selera kalian kan, bagus atau tidaknya. Bagaimana kalau kalian membuat sendiri aja tema yang sesuai dengan selera kalian.. Ini step by stepnya..


1. Go to, nanti ada 2 aplikasi yang harus kamu download. Plazmic Content Developer's kit sama Blackberry Smartphone Simulators. Klik "Tools & Download" dan "Blackberry smartphone simulators" untuk dapetin link download kedua aplikasi. Pilih simulator yang sesuai dengan jenis BB kamu.

2. Selesai ngedownload, install keduanya di komputer kamu.
3. Kalau udah keinstall, kamu udah punya program Theme Builder. Liat icon hijau di dalam folder "Plazmic CDK 4.7"atau di desktop kamu, lalu klik open. Begitu terbuka, langsung pilih jenis Blackberry kamu untuk pembuatan tema.

4. Setelah kebuka halaman ini, lihat-lihat setiap tombol sama icon yang tertera. Kamu bisa edit sesuai dengan imajinasi kamu, sebenarnya kamu bisa mengatur hampir setiap detail icon yang ada di BB kamu. Tapi menurutku, lebih baik cukup ganti : Font, Homescreen, Warna kotak2 dialog, Banner(garis yang ada diatas layar BB), sama icon2 utama di layar BB kamu.
Untuk icon/detail-detail lecil kaya icon Battere, alarm, signal, wifi, dan lain-lain, sebaiknya pakai yang default saja. Selain karena ukurannya kecil banget, pekerjaan menegditnya juga susah bangeet loo.
5. Sebelum kalian mengganti 5 icon yang cukup diganti (Font, Homescreen,dll) file-file gambar yang diminta sama Theme Builder untuk membuat tema adalah .PNG (biasanya itu JPG), jadi diganti dulu. untuk ukuran biasanya kalau kamu ngklik icon yg mau diganti akan tertera beberapa ukurannya. Untuk ukuran bisa diganti dengan menggunakan tutorial Photoshop.
6. begitu klik icon yang ingin diganti akan tertera tampilan Open, lalu kamu tinggal masukin file yang udah kamu ganti formatnya dengan format .PNG, dan langsung kelihatan perubahannya.
#NB TIPS karena ukurannya kecil supaya file gambar icon kamu nggak ngblur, kamu bisa tajamin file gambarnya di Photoshop kamu, dengan ngklik tombol Filter>Sharpen sebelum di save. Tapi kalau mau mudahnya, kamu bisa download gambar Icon2 lucu dari internet
7. Untuk penggantian Font, jangan lupa aktifin tombol huruf A (Anti Alias)
8. Setelah puas sama tampilan baru BB yang ada di halaman atas, klik File>simulator. nanti disini dikasih tau kalo ada tampilan yang error.
9. Nah, kalo udah oke. kembali ke halaman theme builder. lalu klik File>Expor> JAD>beri nama tema>OK
10. Masukin file JAD tersebut ke memory card BB kamu dengan kabel data. Begitu kamu buka BB akan keliatan permission to Download dan kamu sudah mengganti tema BB kamu dengan tampilan yang kamu bkin tadi

Emang agak ribeet dan perlu kerja keras serta eksperimen berulang-ulang, tapi kalo udah berhasil. Hasilnya memuaskan banget! Selamat Mencobaaa!!! :D

Minggu, 03 April 2011

Bamboo for technology Many ways can be used to protect the environment, equal Keyboard and Mouse now doesn't want to miss embrace green lifestyle or we called it go green campaign. A Companies in China already produces 2 gadget that friendly with environment, because the material is made of bamboo, not plastic as usual.
The company chose bamboo because bamboo grows more easily than wood, so as not to damage the environment. And sold about 29 USD and 52 USD. So, We don't call China as the bamboo curtain country for nothing, rite?
Bamboo keyboard has unique features, such as: Eco-friendly, healthy, fashionalbe, the material bedegradable cans, recycled and radiation. wow, how cool is that! :)

Sabtu, 02 April 2011

U powered Solar Portable Charger Many people got difficult to charger their mobile device when no power supply. You don't have to worry about that condition. Cause there is now a portable charger device that can do all that elsewhere even though there was no electric power supply near you. Recently Kiwi Choice has launched a charger (charger) portable solar power / USB U-Powered comes with three photo voltaic panels to receive sunlight resources. U-Powered is the most Powerful, Versatile, Compatible and Environmental portable power source. It can be charged from any power source: the Sun, Laptop, Car or Wall. Kiwi U-Powered then holds to its power for at least 6 months, and can charge all your mobile devices on the go. And about the price is about Rp. 500.000/unit. So don't miss this product!
Gamelan is a Balinese traditional music instrument. Commonly used to accompany religious ceremonies. Is one of the cultural heritage, which should be maintained. Like my school, SMA Negeri 4 Denpasar, make time each week for Cultural Arts lesson. The sound  really melodic, and very excited. Gamelan performed with a group, with some different tools are integrated into one . And the music instrument which I had to used is Gangsa. and This is really fun.

 Happy Birthday to my little sister, Avelia Mahendra Putri 
She is a small part of me. Grow into a great girl, 
I know GOD always bless you, I love you all my life :)