U powered Solar Portable Charger Many people got difficult to charger their mobile device when no power supply. You don't have to worry about that condition. Cause there is now a portable charger device that can do all that elsewhere even though there was no electric power supply near you. Recently Kiwi Choice has launched a charger (charger) portable solar power / USB U-Powered comes with three photo voltaic panels to receive sunlight resources. U-Powered is the most Powerful, Versatile, Compatible and Environmental portable power source. It can be charged from any power source: the Sun, Laptop, Car or Wall. Kiwi U-Powered then holds to its power for at least 6 months, and can charge all your mobile devices on the go. And about the price is about Rp. 500.000/unit. So don't miss this product!
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ada d bali?
aku harap juga ada gar ;p
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